The Ultimate In-Stay App Experience
Instant access to all your Hotel's amenities. Served to your guests in a Digitized plate.
    • Increased Efficiency
    • Streamlined Communication
    • Improved Experience
    • Boosted Revenue
Guest Request

How Does It Work?

Smart stay in the palm of your Guest's hand.

1. App Download

Guests download the app via app/play store, using download link in a message or by scanning a QR code at the Hotel and get access to a comprehensive Dashboard

2. Request Placing

Guests can then requests room-service, housekeeping, laundry, maintenance, F&B, or various other services offered by the Hotel.

3. Smart Notification

The app then sends a notification to the concerned team/staff for prompt action. The guest gets real-time notifications on request/order status.

4. Quick Feedback

Guests are encouraged to rate their experience with the hotel's services in real time so that any & all complaints can be resolved timely. Ensuring a positive review.


what NexTap Guest Requests can do for you

Request Anything

Request Anything

Enable guests to request anything from a Wake-up call to a Stay Extension right from the app. This module is your concierge, housekkeping, restaurant, tour-guide & more.

Optimised Communication

Optimised Communication

Remove communication barriers by offering a Guest Dashboard where they can chat live your staff; enquire, and request services easily.

Customized Menus

Customized Menus

Forget printing & reprinting room-service menus, spa or tour packages etc. Add customized menus with your brand’s theme and Dynamic pricing.

Request Tracking

Request Tracking

Allow guests to see the status of their request & progress of their order, in real-time. Make things transparent with simple tags like 'in-progress', 'open', 'completed' etc.

Payment Integration

Payment Integration

Let your guests make payments for all their orders, add-on services, amenities and even their entire stay from the app itself. Serve flexibility & comfort.

Smart Analytics

Smart Analytics

Monitor & manage guest service orders. Capture guest demographic info. Get more insights into your customer base. Track usage, sales, and revenue.

Fast time
Digitize your Services

Digitize your Services

Give direct access to everything your Hotel has to offer. Room Service, Ordering, Spa appointments, taxi booking, and more! Enable guests to request Housekeeping or Maintenance, report Lost & Found items, provide feedback & chat live. Share your Property Compendium, send out announcements, alerts & reminders. Go mobile!

Digitize your Services
Create your Experience

Create your Experience

Customize your app’s visuals and content to go with your brand’s tone. Add property information, pages the way you want. Leverage a dynamic menu builder. Provide as much information as you can to minimize calling. Offer easy to use dashboard and app flows. Get real-time updates. Follow up actively. Ensure operational efficiency.

Create your Experience
Increase your Revenue

Increase your Revenue

Save unnecessary expense on paperwork & printing physical menus. Upsell upgrades or ancillary services. Highlight & Promote special offers on the app for maximized reach. Monitor guest behavior & usage for targeted marketing campaigns. Let guests promote you on social media/ travel sites. Leverage the module as a channel for driving sales and growth.

Increase your Revenue
Give your Property the Power of NexTap The 360° HMS.
Drop in your details. Consult our Product Experts. Book a Demo. Or Get started straight away.