Task Management made Easy & Accountable
Helping you get all your tasks done on time, every single time.
    • Promote Teamwork
    • Boost Productivity
    • Eliminate Delays
    • Improve Decision Making
Schedule Task

How Does It Work?

Create & schedule tasks for your employees or departments right from the app.

1. Assign Tasks

Tasks are automatically created, prioritized and delegated to indivuduals or teams based on availability. Efficiency and accountability is increased with digital monitoring.

2. Provide To-Do Lists

Describe each recurring task with standard check-lists and specific work orders with to-do lists that cover all requiments provided by the guest. Never miss out on anything.

3. Deliver Quick Service

Digitize and make all the documentation process hasslefree. Automate each task into a streamlined & responsible workflow chain to deliver services timely.

4. Ensure Execution

Send trigger based notifications for tasks and their deadlines to the concerned staff or team. Send automated reminders for delays or upcoming tasks. Stay on top of everything.


What NexTap Task Scheduler can do for You

Simplified Scheduling

Simplified Scheduling

Enable your staff to access the task schedule on-the-go from their mobile devices. Avoid unnecessary phone calls. Send notifications, reminders & alerts. Track task progress for each employee.

Custom Task Templates

Custom Task Templates

Choose the type of task from the template field or add a specified sample task on your own as per your requirements. Automatically create tasks upon receiving a new work order or daily task trigger.

Task Time Tracking

Task Time Tracking

Ensure & reward timely completion of all operations by setting deadlines for each task category. Send reminders on timelines. Get notified of delays. Maintain focus on delivering prompt service.

Preventative Maintenance

Preventative Maintenance

Set a schedule of services that need regular upkeep & maintenance like HVAC units, Elevators, Fire alarms, etc. Send automated reminders to technicians or vendors. Avoid equipment failure.

Maximize Automation

Maximize Automation

Create an entire workflow schedule that starts triggering tasks even before the Check-in and go on till the check out. From toiletaries to Housekeeping, let no routine task go unattended.

Improve Reporting

Improve Reporting

Analyze data on task completion rates, duration, resource utilization, and other key performance indicators. Identify areas for improvement, optimize workflows, and make informed decisions about resource allocation.

Fast time
Track your team’s performance in real-time

Get More Done.

Assign tasks with clear instructions, checklists, and subtasks. Clarify responsibilities, outline who needs to do what and by when. Breakdown recurring tasks into repeatable actions.

Organize shifts in a smart way

Create. View. Monitor

Keep your staff up-to-date about any new task. Just create a task, select a checkbox & an automated reminder will be sent to the concerned employee. Allow all employees to view their task list in the calendar along with the deadlines. Track task progress in real-time. Prioritize better and never let a task slip

Get a clear workload overview

Automate Regular Tasks

Use custom task templates and assign them to a particular employee or department. Allow guests to choose service and show any tasks associated with those services on the to-do list. Link pre-set checklists with tasks to complete every work-order in the standard timeframe. Forget forgetting things!

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